1989 release (RARE) ** "The acRID acME [of] P16.D4 might be the most well known work, no doubt due to the unique approach taken for the first segment: in 1987, the P16.D4 dredged recordings from the 1981 punk incarnation and placed them in a completely different context. As a result, "Maba 4. 12." and "Rotting Outscratched" reveal their initial forms, the former with the occasionally perceptible fragment of punk thrash sipping out unscathed from the abused tapes, and the latter allowing a hint of percussion to appear here and there. Taking a different approach, "Half Cut Cows" and "Interfaces" are the products of live improvisations rather than studio techniques, resulting in a blueprint of what would be called glitch a decade later. Finally, the disc is rounded out by the Merzbow collaboration "Zur Genese Der Halbbildung," which seems like the entirely of the preceding material scrambled and reassembled in a 20 tape minute collage."
"Section 1: All tracks of this section are based on material recorded in 1981 which was treated and recomposed in 1987. The idea was to work with early rock-recordings in a non-nostalgic way analysing the relations between actual and early-80 approaches. Section 2 consists of compositions featured on the Captured Music Festival, February 1987. Since the performance was denominated by confrontation and combination of acoustic and optic elements, the tracks were rearranged as "pure acoustic" features. Section 3: Whilst the tracks of the other 3 section are composed with studio-techniques these are improvised direct-to-tape. Acrid Acme (Of) P16.D4 It's anti-social to play this record in public."