"This, it seems to me, is the great strength of Sophie Lüssi’s music here on Atlantic Puffin. It is clearly skilled and doesn't deal in casual approximations. It is built on solid technique, a brilliant appropriation of classical violin methods in the interests of improvisation. But her music, which draws on folk as well as canonical forms, is one that emanates from and addresses the whole person. It's generous music, kindly and open, and in its gentle humour it engages a part of the spirit that in our grim-faced, superserious way is too often overlooked. So: music for the head, hand and heart; and you might find yourself dancing a little, too, in delight if not in strict time." - Brian Morton
Sophie Lüssi - violin & tenor violin
Sandra Weiss - alto saxophone & bassoon
Fridolin Blumer - double bass
Andreas Wettstein - drums