2005 release ** "Edgar Olivier Charles doesn’t exist, it’s the alter-ego of Roger Tellier-Craig, who works as Et Sans, Le Fly Pan Am and Set Fire to Flames. So far so good. ‘Rediscovered music recorded in Montreal between september 2002 and january 2005, it says on the cover and rediscovered are three tracks. In each subtitle, to each track, a name is mentioned: Iannis, Karlheinz and John – so, I’d say Xenakis, Stockhausen and Cage (well, more likely than, say Adams? Lennon?). And maybe Edgar Olivier Charles is then Varese, Messian and Ives? Strangely enough the music has quite a modern classical feel to it, or is that something I started thinking after working out all these clues. Parts are played on orchestral instruments such as violins and celli, but a fair portion exists of electro-acoustic objects and also some choir like voices. The result however is a beautiful affair of colliding instruments, sounds and textures. Very modern classical.