First came Undergangen, a trilogy consisting of the eponymous Undergangen (The Downfall), Den Sorte Død (The Black Death) and Depressiv Magi (Depressive Magic). Three albums dedicated to decaying worlds and fraying minds. And to the all-consuming grief of earthly existence.
Hemmeligheden bag Den Sorte Slanges Konstellation (The Secret of the Constellation of the Black Serpent) ushers in a new era. The era of the Crying Cosmos. Where black serpents slither in icy voids between stars, tracing cosmic signs unseen like dying breaths on frozen lakes. Where twin-forked tongues speak ancient runes, forecasting shadows on crumbling walls in realms below. And where the arcane magic surging through the innermost chambers of our depressed universe is unleashed upon all.
Once again Den Sorte Død have locked themselves away in their desolate cabin far beyond the reaches of our dark and despairing world. Drawing crystal tears from weeping stars. May we bear witness to their tales of suffering as they have borne witness to ours.