2010 release ** "...scraps of ulcerated, painful, immensely precarious songs. how to continue using a polaroid to fix images and faces with the awareness that what will stand out in the image, afterwards, will be the absence, not the living detail. It is a harsh and not at all consoling songwriting by Stefano Giaccone, one of the few "true" names of libertarian musical antagonism. here Giaccone uses a technological "zero degree" that is not at all trendy, a sort of epitome of unplugged: the guitar, the voice, "two cracked programs on the pc, without microphones no nothing". a demo, practically. that has the strength of a thousand spectacular hyper-productions, and no intent to emulate "lo-fi" practices. giaccone sings what he wants, as long as there is a germ of truth: and here you find Dylan and Vedder, Silvio Rodriguez and "bella ciao". alongside his stories without lies..."