The fourth and final issue of Man is the Animal. Dedicated to the memory and enduring influence of Jhonn and Peter.
A5, perfect bound. Approx 76pp.
Wear Sensible Shoes: Cobbling Together the Coil Guided Walk of London
By Ben Waddington
There's Honey in the Hollows: Looking Back on Horse Rotorvator
By Madeleine LeDespencer
A Conceptual Portrait of Jhonn Balance
By Barnaby Darling
The Dreamer is Still Asleep: Coil as Mystical Experience
By Patrick Petterson
Sun, Pan, Moon: Three Paintings for Balance
By David Tibet
The Industry of the Fields
By Neil Highnam
Disobey: The Coil/Gee Vaucher Exhibition
By Jack Sargeant