La preuve is a rearguard action. Most of the people who inspired it are dead or retired. Old teenagers flay their former loves. They bear witness to a bygone era, but happily embraced, digested and spat out. Everything was still possible. Or possible at last. Psychedelia opened the doors of perception. Romanticism wasn't relegated to a dull formatting, a cheese without a rind. The group Poudingue, which started out ten years ago, has some fine leftovers. These are the crumbs from purgatory. The proof (la preuve, in French) is in the pudding (poudingue, in French) is an expression coined by Friedrich Engels meaning that the value, quality or truth of something must be judged on the basis of direct experience or its results. The expression is a modification of an old saying that makes the meaning a little clearer: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Nicolas Chedmail – vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard, trumpet, French horn, trombone, helicon, pipes, flute, siren, alto sax, harmonica, melodica, violin, cello, shahi baaja, sanza / texts 2 4 5 6 9 10 / music 1 to 10
Frédéric Maincon – guitar, vocals / texts 1 3 7 8 9 / music 3 4 7 8 9
Jean-Jacques Birge – synthesizer, sampler, effects, field recording, erhu, inanga, shahi baaja, waldteufel, vocals / music 1 3 4 5 9
Guest: Benjamin Sanz – drums