“La Signora Gioca Bene a Scopa?” is a 1974 erotic comedy directed by Giuliano Carnimeo, with Edwige Fenech and Carlo Giuffré as main characters. Nothing from this soundtrack had been released at the time, not even a 45rpm; only in 2010 it has been fully revealed on CD.
For the first time ever, therefore, the soundtrack of “La signora gioca bene a scopa?” is now released on vinyl, sourced from the original sessions stereo masters. Alessandro Alessandroni has composed a cheerful fox-trot main theme for orchestra and sexy female vocals, as usual entrusted to the legendary Edda Dell’Orso (A1, B8), then reprised as an elegant orchestral version (A2), as a bossa (A4), a romantic theme for strings (A5), a tango (A6), with Alessandroni’s famous whistle (A9, B2), with flutes (B4) and with electric guitar (B7). This brilliant motif is alternated with mystical religious music for strings (A7), elegant bossa pop (A8, A10, B1, B6) and dramatic funeral music (B5).