Between the '60s and the '80s the production of pulp magazines in Italy was flourishing and incredibly varied: every month hundreds of paperbacks containing strange, adventurous or more often terrifying stories came out on the newsstands.
Among the most popular italian pulp magazines was the horror series "I Racconti di Dracula" (Tales of Dracula) published by Baron Cantarella: each issue of "I Racconti di Dracula" contained a grim and disturbing story, inspired by Italian gothic and giallo cinema, written by anonymous, non-professional authors, who typed in the evening after work to supplement their salary. The mainstream culture branded those publications as "garbage” and they were banned to those under 18.
HDK, in its series called "Morbid Tales", proposes the imaginary soundtracks of "I Racconti di Dracula" by TEETH OF GLASS. Attached to the cassette is a booklet with the full story of the episode; here is the eighth episode, "LA STREGA DI SALAMANCA" ("The Witch of Salamanca").