Sébastien Roux imagines new listening situations. He uses algorithms, games, movement, spatialisation, and diagrams to articulate two complementary notions: the perception of form and the forms of perception.
Musiques d'ordinateur (Computer music) gathers pieces written between 2011 and 2020. The tracks on this CD are the more or less predictable results of more or less complex programs. The sounds and their organization (the score) are calculated. There is no editing nor mixing. The algorithm is the material and the writing. The same oscillation between two listenings crosses all the pieces. On the one hand, to hear the algorithm, in other words, to perceive the form, and on the other hand, to listen to the algorithm at work, i.e. to listen to the present of the sound.
Algorithmic music written with PYO and Max/MSP.
No editing. No mixing. No reverb.
Mastering : Giuseppe Ielasi