Bilingual (English/French) and biannual, Volume - What You See Is What You Hear is the first magazine devoted to sound issues in art, and to the complex relationships between visual and sound forms, both in contemporary art and history.Interviews Special Issue.'Why a special issue devoted to the interview?This kind of text has been a feature of the magazine since the very first issue, and is intrinsically bound up with words Ð or at least with dialogue, because interviews are not necessarily conducted in person. As such, the interview has an eminently acoustic potential, not only through what is said, but also via what can be heard on the sidelines of the discussion. So we were keen to devote a whole issue to it because, while echoing the specific nature of the contemporary art magazine about sound that VOLUME is, it also offers a wide range of possibilities in terms of format and tone. Without claiming or aiming to be exhaustive, this issue also tries to reflect this kind of diversity, at the same time as it endeavours to get a host of different voices to co-exist in one and the same publication.Added to the different essays brought together around the notion of an 'expanded sound' are three artistic contributions which, for their part, echo the dialogic essence of the interview, or even re-enact it.' Interview with Olaf Nicolai, David Sanson, Mungo Thomson, Steve Roden, Sébastien Roux, Anri Sala...