2008 release ** Limited to 100 copies. "Pinche Madre is the 2008 creation from Remoteband, released by Russian label Abgurd in a limited edition CDR. To say any more, or try to give further information would be futile. Mainly because there is not much to find, even by scouring the internet there’s no webpage, MySpace or Facebook. Hard to believe in this technological age, but Remoteband has appeared to go off the grid by not even being there in the first place.
So what do we have? Well we have 6 tracks, Pinche Madre 1 through 6 in succession. So if we can’t have background and biography we’ll go with the music they’ve created. What we hear is electronic, drone, ambient and bits of industrial all combined to produce a sound that is expansive. In each song, in disregard to whether its leanings are drone or ambient, there is a feel of grandness and magnitude. It’s a continuing theme throughout the pieces, and the separate tracks themselves while intertwined, each have their own character too. We jump from metallic scratching to dulcet bells, from atmospheres that are frightening to ones of that are forlorn and distant. With each track the sounds move and stride like a behemoth. Yet it is also delicate and melodic at times placing us in a harmonic surrounding. Whoever and wherever Remoteband are maybe a mystery, but what they have constructed is music that is emotional and at the same time indifferent. They have created what they desired; now it’s up to the listener to enjoy."