*48 copies limited edition*
38 copies are red copies in standard edition, and 10 copies are white copies in special edition for friends of the project Moana.
The standard edition boxset is composed by:
-exterior part of box in black cardoard with a sticker
-headband with red sticker closing the box (the sticker is white in the white edition)
-interior part of the box in black cardboard with red sticker closed with a red ribbon (the red sticker and the red ribbon are both white in the white edition)
-inside the interior part there are:
-2 printed cdr-s
-4 stickers
-1 miniposter printed on paper with all the credits and the original covers of the different first editions
-1 liber devotionis in cardboard, printed in front and back and closed with a black ribbon and an little heart (ex voto). Inside the liber devotionis there is a double face miniposter with many pictures
The white edition have 2 extra inserts and 2 extra ex voto, and the little heart ex voto is different.
Reissue of the complete works of the project Moana, recorded between 2015 and 2017, with extra bonus tracks of the same period.
In particular
CD1 contains Sex Tape plus bonus tracks.
Tracks 6-9 are bonus tracks, first edition made on cassette by Signora Ward Records (cat. n. WARD015), May 2015
CD2 contains Whoregasm plus Leopard Suit
Whoregasm: full set of live at 261 club - Genoa, for the Stahalbeton V2, 20-12-15, previously released only as download file
Leopard Suite: first edition made on cassette by Obsessive Fundamental Realism (cat. n. OFR-017), June 2018