PIERRES SACREES ( acousmatic music ) & HARRYPHONIES - alpha ( with Fernando GRILLO & HYPERION Ensemble /Cond.; Iancu Dumitrescu ) & ìGRANDE OURSEì chamber ensemble and tape ( Hyperion Ensemble/ Cond. Iancu Dumitrescu ) & HARRYPHONIES - epsilon, Large orchestra and soloists: Fernando GRILLO, Barry WEBB, Melvin POORE, ConductorS Iosif CONTA & Iancu DUMITRESCU - Romanian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra
Pierres Sacrées [1991] pour pianos préparés, plaques et objets métalliques [for prepared piano, plates and metallic objects]. Harryphonies (Alpha) [1985] pour contrebasse et ensemble [for contrabass and ensemble] - taken from [r=7195481]. Grande Ourse [1983] pour deux bassons, piano préparé, percussion et bande magnétique [for two bassoons, prepared piano, percussion and magnetic tape] - taken from [r=1223421]. Harryphonies (Epsilon) [1986] pour solistes et orchestre [for soloists and orchestra] - taken from [r=3340165]. Third edition with a green background on the disc and international distribution information added to the back cover. Incorrect track times appear on back cover of this edition as well: 1. 17'25" 2. 18'10" 3. 15'30" 4. 19'00"