**200 copies, of which only 100 are available for distribution** A previously unreleased recording of Sven-Åke Johansson playing a solo set at the legendary Petersen Galerie in West Berlin, 1982. The concert took place inside an exhibition of drawings by Tomas Schmit and runs the gamut from Johansson's trademark Schlingerland-style drumming to accordion sabre dance and absurdist poetry. The gallery, owned by Jes Petersen, hosted Fluxus, Actionist, Art Brut and Surrealist exhibitions and performances between 1977 and 1994.
"Between Tomas' rare animal drawings and mythical creatures, I set up my drum kit, tightened the straps of my accordion, and checked my other equipment. [...] First the combo set, pulsating in waves, then working the accordion, with a vocal bit about fish and bird, next abusing the floor and drums with rags and iron bands. Again dynamic waves with the set, taking out the shoetrees and rubbing them on all the edges of the drum kit. [...] Conclusion with frenetic waves from the drums. Then we had from their finest; Jes and Ilona poured drinks, Tomas Schmit smiled looking pleased, the technician rolled up his thick cables. Later on some of us also stood talking on the wide pavement of Pestalozzistraße, about what I don't remember." (from the liner notes by Sven-Åke Johansson). Released in collaboration with the Tomas Schmit Archiv and Wiens Verlag