Millimetre writes… “Sex Dreams Of The I Ching started out as six love songs with strange fragmented structures that had titles inspired by readings from the I Ching. I didn't know what to do with them, but kept returning to them over and over, they had an uncanny quality whilst being totally dissonant and broken. One day I found some recordings I made on a 4-track years ago with a WEM Copycat – mostly my vocalisations looped endlessly – and out of curiosity played some whilst playing the love songs in the background. That's more or less how it began. A fortnight later all six songs morphed themselves into drones and then, with some minor embellishments, unfolding melodies, the titles magically fitting the new music. Sumetha and James added their parts and the album was done, no mixing required. As a listener you may find this album is perfect for playing in noisy environments.”