“There is great freedom in limitations. The sonic limitations of tape, at least in the lo-fi way I use it, are also a factor. Being able to physically touch and manipulate the sound is a very important and visceral part of this. Opposed to a lot of ambient music I have written, I want this music to be tactile, and very tangible. Yes, it can float away, but I also want to show the string tied to the balloon. For this reason many of the tracks contain the sound of the room, and the wonderful noises these machines make.
‘Having only a few pieces of equipment is another limitation - just a few tape machines, tape echoes and effects pedals were used to create everything here. When creating tape loops you have a definite measure of time. This gives a piece natural rhythm. Whilst I don’t use drums or percussion to create this music to me it is very rhythmic.” - Paul Cousins