Column One was founded in Berlin, 1992 by Robert Schalinski, Rene Lamp & Eike Bölling as the IDEOLOGICAL BASIS for an (aesthetic) approach to structures, philosophical ideas & media of the (now) western world. Rene Lamp & Robert Schalinski already had been working together on short-film projects. Eike Bölling was a member of Column One during a short period of time only & since then has been releasing minimal-heavy-electronic-music as NETZACH. Later… Jürgen Eckloff, Andrew Loadman & Tom Platt joined the project.
Column One was founded in Berlin, 1992 by Robert Schalinski, Rene Lamp & Eike Bölling as the IDEOLOGICAL BASIS for an (aesthetic) approach to structures, philosophical ideas & media of the (now) western world. Rene Lamp & Robert Schalinski already had been working together on short-film projects. Eike Bölling was a member of Column One during a short period of time only & since then has been releasing minimal-heavy-electronic-music as NETZACH. Later… Jürgen Eckloff, Andrew Loadman & Tom Platt joined the project.