Here is a chance to hear Miles Davis in something close to real time. Small matter that most collectors of hard bop will have these sides already and will be familiar with a particular running order. Perhaps those who have invested in the complete sessions will have a clearer sense of the continuity of these remarkable sessions, but that now familiar obsession with the burrs and snarf of the studio process may win out over musical appreciation. What happened at Van Gelder’s on October 26 1956 is one of the great performances of modern jazz. Surrender to it. - Brian Morton
Recorded October 26, 1956 at Rudy van Gelder Studio, Hackensack NJ. CD-master by Michael Brändli, Hard- studions AG; Cover photo: Miles Davis in front of Prestige Records office, 446 W.50th St., NYC, May 21, 1958
by Esmond Edwards/CTSIMAGES; Liner notes by Brian Morton; graphic concept by fuhrer vienna; Associate producer: Christian C. Dalucas, Executive producer: Werner X. Uehlinger.
Honorary producer: Bernhard „Benne“ Vischer