ADN presents Carrer Telegraf by Tagubu. At first, the sound – kind of a fake serene innocence- Sunday morning music. A1 Benvinguts 5:38 Dedicated to mellowed toupideks-Arrival in Barcelona-Welcoming ceremony-Installation-Shadow of the terrorist attacks. A2 Titol Esgotat 4:11 Tribute to the carnets of 10 metro tickets-Here,ten tracks repeat the same theme ten times-At first, you can hear the ten tracks all together and, at each repetition, one track is removed, the same way you would remove a ride from your metro carnet. A3 Falsos Bucles 5:11 Dedicated to Pierre Bastien- Based on African melodies and rhythms (African Roots of the Blues Part 5 – Talensi Fiddle Music From Ghana West Africas) Cracks in laments- Constructions towards an erratic dance for expressiosts masks and wizards’ parade- A slight allusion to the Residents at the end. A4 Correfoc 4:30 Drums played over Overcome by Tricky (Maxinquaye CD)- A repetition- Drawling nostalgia in a canon (singing) that resonates- Contrast with bustle and calm towards the eclosion of an explosive balance.
B1 Bona Nit 4:47 Dedicated to Jeannot- The light of three street lamps that shine away in the night like three well aligned and tidy restful- The sound of crickets- The somnolence that comes, interrupted by thoughts- Towards childhood melodies recollections(Die tyrolers zin lustick), surfacing as if they were swimming quietly in a pool. B2 L’email Au Tronc 3:58 Dedicated to Madame Patate- Lying on the floor looking for her illumination- Night contemplation. B3 El Gos Nico 3:50 Tribute to Mamy Henriette and Coquillerance too- La Fille aux Cheveu d’Ange (Debussy) Inspired by the rhythm of the song Vettetem Violàt by Muzikas. B4 Sense Fa Sostingut 4:16 Based on Letera by Camelia Jordana. B5 Objectes Perduts (Lost and Found Fred Frith and Iva Bittova) 3:34 Slow and unfinished cover- Inspired by Javanese rhythms