"It's not a church anymore, it's an ex-church, it's used now for cultural purpose, not for praying and religious madness anymore", those are the exact words some random anxious pedestrian yelled at Chris Corsano and Paul Flaherty, trying to stop them from putting the St. John Renaissance Theater in Louisville, Kentucky on fire, Paul Flaherty used his long grey beard to start the fire and blew as high as he could with a rusted tenor and alto saxophone, the flames went high, but not high enough for Chris Corsano aka the last drummer on earth! Chris throws oil and lighter fluid on there to spice the barbeque a bit!!! This is a beautyful live recording by these two amazing free jazz musicians from Massachussets/USA, really different from their other ones, as it is indeed recorded in an ex-church, it has a thick/full natural reverb on it which gets fully adopted in their music!!! This record is packed in a black on gold drawing by Dennis Tyfus. Limited to 400 copies.