2004 release ** "This is a compilation from the French label Mechanoise Labs and, as it says in the subtitle, it’s ‘an international gathering of extreme electronics’. These extreme electronics are often presented in a noise form, but it’s not only about that. Some of the tracks, by Cutman (from France), Control (from USA) and others, are like a harsher noisy side of (post)industrial. Sometimes there’s use of talking samples or the noise atmosphere is building up with voice shouting in Cutman’s track, which adds more disturbance to it. What’s common for all artists is a rather untamed approach and trashy use of noise in various contexts and ways, something Mechanoise Labs are obviously fond of. Featuring Government Alpha, Mourmansk 150, Nagasaki Fondue and Foutredieu, Mark Dutroux Slideshow, Pine Tree State Mind Control, Navicon Torture Technologies, Angel of Decay, bETON bARRAGE, This Is Not Red Paint, DVT Sulphu r, Rupor Udara, Kryptogen Rundfunk. 16 artists and 17 tracks."