From February 21 to May 21, 2012, Craig Shepard walked everywhere he went. Each of the 13 weeks, he composed a new piece, and wrote it down. Each Sunday, he led a silent, cell-phone free walk to a different location in Brooklyn and performed that week’s piece outdoors in a public space. This recording contains five pieces written during the project as well as field recordings from four of the performance locations.
1. Sheepshead Bay, May 20, 2013 (10:10)
Katie Porter, clarinet
Devin Maxwell, snare drum
Field recording: Downtown Brooklyn, Times Triangle
2. Canarsie, March 4, 2012 (05:06)
Devin Maxwell, glockenspiel
3. Coney Island, April 15, 2012 (05:39)
Jack Callahan, melodica, triangle
Erik Carlson, violin
Nick Didkovsky, electric guitar
Dan Joseph, hammer dulcimer
Larry Polansky, electric guitar
Mathew Schumer, baritone saxophone
Field recording: Bensonhurst, corner of 85th Street and 18th Avenue
4. Red Hook, March 25, 2012 (25:11)
Kristen McKeon, alto saxophone
Erin Rogers, tenor saxophone
Mathew Schumer, baritone saxophone
Field recordings: Bensonhurst, corner of 85th Street and 18th Avenue, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Von King Park
5. Williamsburg, March 11, 2012 (14:21)
Jack Callahan, bottles
Field recording: Greenpoint, Newtown Creek Nature Walk