** condition: (record/cover) NM/EX- **
"Albrile's formula has been defined as "industrial-household music". In fact, it is a series of homely compositions of unconventional experimental synthetic noise, made with old reel-to-reel tape recorders and various analog instruments. The aim is to obsess, a characteristic found in each of the six tracks of "Neuronale". Linear but percussive noises ("Riv-Skf"), well manipulated, dictate the rhythm trying to obtain, through imperceptible chimes of clock hands and buzzes of ultrasonic resonances ("Margine"), the involvement of the listener, bringing him to the edge of a hypnotic trance. The hammering, almost tribal, sound effects directly stimulate the brain, exciting it in such a way that it emits electrical impulses, short discharges of impalpable voltage that, winding along the entire sympathetic nervous system, reach the eyeballs, thus definitively closing the circuit."