"This is a magic record!The new release of The Striggles holds a secret: If you repeatedly listen to the songs on the total of five singles, it becomes clear: These songs are changing... They do not sound like the last time you’ve been listening to them!
A refined technique in the preparation of the records makes it possible: The song, as you’re recalling the memory of the last time you’ve heard it, takes a completely different turn the next time you listen to it.
On each of the five coloured 7 "singles there is a Schiizo-Song from The Striggles. The other side of the record presents Schiizo-Contributions from so wonderful, yet unalike friends: Bernhard Lang, Bulbul, Kreisky, Opcion, Peter Ablinger!
The comic strip artists Edda Strobl and Helmut Kaplan (Tonto Artists Collective) are responsible for the beautiful and intricate artwork of the box. This marvel of vinyl history is coming out via “Rock is Hell”, the best record label in the world." label press
5x7" boxset, all records pressed on colored vinyl with silkscreened artwork by Edda Strobl and Helmut Kaplan.
Limited to 300 copies.