Tape Reworks, Vol. 2 is the fourth project by Langham Research Centre released on Nonclassical. Following the success of their Tape Works, Vol. 1 and subsequent TapeReworks, Vol. 1 (which featured remixes by Jim O'Rourke and Group A), this EP presentstwo remixes of tracks from Tape Works, Vol. 2: 'Movable Fields', remixed by Kara-Lis Coverdale, and 'Nachholbedürfnis', remixed by Beatriz Ferreyra. Kara-Lis Coverdale's 'Movable Fields' is an icy soundscape, gently moving at a glacial pace, evoking the feel of a field recording from a strange planet. 'Movable Fields' draws from elements of twoTape Works, Vol. 2 tracks, 'Accarezzo' and 'Terminal Voltage Traces'. Ferreyra's remix of 'Nachholbedürfnis' is a dadaist cacophony of bleeps and lo-fi scratchy samples, darting chaotically throughout the track in true GRM fashion. The original album utilizedrecordings made in specific locations, particularly brutalist buildings, as an audiomanifestation of modernism.