Duo of Pedro Sousa and Pedro Lopes, two portuguese young musicians, and some of the most exciting in the plastic, tonal and energic exploration of sound in a long time. Using sax (Sousa), turntables (Lopes) and a communal use of electronics, their music is admittedly nervous, obsessively bent over the following moment. Unlike other past forms of improvisation more concerned with listening and a certain purity of sound, this search is as focused as much as frantic in the pursuit of a new dialogue of sonic matter. Lopes’ is an impressive turntablist, and the amount of simultaneous events he manages to orchestrate is a rare feat in that instrument, while Sousa is an extremely caustic blower – he finds melody through pure sound, and from that essence gives rise a deeply personal lexicon, of a new improv, extremely vibrant and affirmative.
” [...] I thought this was a great release. Very intense for the players – probably – and for the listeners – surely for me. Every time I play this I hear something new, which made me think ‘oh, no, its much more electro-acoustic than I thought’, ‘damn, it’s much more composed’ or ‘what a refined way of improvising’. Excellent record all around. (FdW)
Deluxe edition, 150 copies limited