Franco Battiato also known as "Za" was the first album for Ricordi, and the Franco Battiato's conceptualism becomes very rigorous and authoritative. It is made of two long tracks, Za, in the author's own words "Apparently poor. Almost completely made up of one chord. Deliberately percussive (the right pedal is never used), it divides and subtracts resonances, with a technique of release. It needs a listening that I would define meta-analytical, in favor of a timeless non-spatiality". On the B-side "Cafe-table-musik," is a nineteen minutes long: "This piece of European regression is a kind of Orphic collage; full of substitutions, manipulations, false quotations, or rather: original copies. The piano scale becomes melody, the voice exercise sentiment."
An amusical album, like a silent white film. Outstanding