2010 release ** Classic interweaving of jazz, rock, avant-garde and electronic, with Larry Coryell & Colosseum's Jon Hiseman. Completely new standards were set with this recording, originally released on MPS in 1972. Knirsch became cult and still is until now, almost 40 years after its release. A unique example for the successful interweaving of jazz, rock, avant-garde and electronic. The musicians: US guitarist Larry Coryell, German keyboarder Wolfgang Dauner, British drummer Jon Hiseman, US percussionist Fred Braceful and German bassist Gunter Lenz. As its first issue, the labels promising music and HGBS Musikproduktion (in succession of MPS) will release the border surpassing masterpiece CD with its eye-catching cover of the wide open dentures. Knirsch lost nothing of its initial musical stimulus. And for the primarily young generation, it may be a totally new discovery. Although some may know at least one title, the final track 'Yin'. As this one (an honour not too many German composers experienced) was covered by Larry Coryell on his recording 'Introducing The 11th House'."